equitable liabilities meaning in Chinese
- And the suitable trademark liability principle of compensation for damages is the doctrine of liability for wrongs and the equitable liability doctrine
而商标侵权损害赔偿适用的是过错责任原则和公平责任原则。 - Third , the essay studys criterion of liability in other foreign countries from the angles of comparative law . lt is worth noticing that the meaning of equitable liability in our country is different from other countries
特别值得注意的是,我国的公平责任同许多国家的公平责任在内涵上存在着区别。 - Fouth , the essay analyses the influence of liability insurance upon the criterion of liabity in tort law . liability insurance ensures and stabilizes the position of no - fault liability . liability insurance has both positive and negative influence upon the applicable scope of no - fault liability . finally , the writer concludes that criterion of liability system in our country should include both the fault liability and no - fault liability . with the case analysis , the writer again rejects to regard the equitable liability as the criterion of liability
又次,本文从现代工业社会事故激增并趋严重,损失分散的思想逐渐取代损失转移成为侵权行为法的思考方式的角度,从侵权责任体现的正义观发生变化的角度,审视了责任保险对侵权行为法归责原则的影响:责任保险肯定并稳定了无过错责任原则的地位,对无过错责任原则的适用范围既是促进也是遏制。 - Second , the writer points the meaning of criterion of liability system . then discusses two central questions : can the equitable liability become an independent criterion of liability ? can the fault - presumption liability become an independent criterion of liability ? furthmore , the writer thinks the criterion of liability including fault liability and no - fault liability